Visual Merchandising

We combine Data Analytics and Visual Strategy to improve store performance.

Visual Merchandising (Vm) assesses your visual strategy effectiveness, allowing you to optimize your store layout to improve the customer experience.
Understand the consumer’s behavior in front of a shop window or a shelf and improve the shop ex-perience.

Insight into the effectiveness of the shop windows and communication inside the store

  • Uses the Shopper Analytics technologies
  • Measure shop windows, screens, displays, graphics effectiveness
  • Assess the products layout in the shop window
  • Carry out tests on layouts and on graphic materials

Creative and strategic support

  • Experts in Visual Strategy and Merchandising
  • Support in all phases of the project
  • Strategy re-design and new strategy definition
  • Follow-up with the new strategy assessment

Know how in multiple contexts

  • Visual Merchandising
  • Visual Operations
  • Event Merchandising
  • Creative Directions
  • Graphic Design

In partnership with:

New Visual Strategy

Conversion funnel
(ROI measurement)

We answer your questions

  • Are customers attracted by the shop window, the sign or the promotional material?
  • Is the store layout effective?
  • How can I improve my store performance thanks to a new visual strategy?
  • How can I measure the ROI of my new visual strategy?

How to access to Visual Merchandising

Accessing to Visual Merchandising services is very easy!
Fill out the form with a few basic information and we will contact you immediately to provide you with a personalized quote based on your real needs, or click on the contact link at the bottom of the page to get more information.

    Insight for

    Grocery - Retail / Shopping Mall / Showroom / Recreational & Cultural Services / Other Services

    Areas of application

    GDO / Grocery / Vending Machine / Pharma / Automotive / Drug store / Fashion / Technology / DIY / Pet Store / Gaming & Entertainment / Travelling & Leisure / Finance & Ensurance / Public Administration & Services / Energy

    Technologies and services employed

    Contact Us

    How can we help you?
    let's talk about!


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